One Powerful Question That Births Real Change
Join me in seeing possibility even when we are faced with pain, and tragedy, and malevolence and hardship.
Dear friends,
My heart is so happy.
Hundreds of you have joined the free membership tier inside the School platform I created for you a few days ago. Seeing your names and faces has brought me such joy!
I love gathering us together in places where real dialogue and collaboration can happen, and I’m so darn excited to spend time with you during the free live classes I’m teaching this week: Secrets of Fascia (May 28th), Pain and its Transformation (May 29th), and Mysteries of Blood (May 30th).
These three classes will give you a distillation of the most important lessons I’ve learned working with thousands of people in pain since 2008. You can join these free classes (and watch all the replays) from inside the free membership portal.
In case you’re new here, or you didn’t get that email from a few days ago - click here to find out why you might want to join us.
Now for today’s topic:
A powerful question that births real change.
Conscious positive change is the process of taking everything we’ve been given - the gift of a body, the gift of life, and of relationships, and of this planet - and using our own powers to make them better.
Regenerating something already in existence that has fallen into disrepair - like a body, a relationship, an economy or a government - is extremely difficult.
Building something new from the ground up is even more challenging.
Which is why I believe we are so prone to looking for someone or something to blame for our tragedies and misfortune. Because it’s a lot easier to tear someone or something else down with our judgments and criticisms, or do our very best to burn an institution (or a relationship) to the ground, than it is to do the hard labor of activating all the necessary elements within ourselves that could bring renewal and healing to the situation.
We are also tempted - constantly - to argue for our limitations.
When you are faced with a painful challenge - within your body, bank account, relationship or career - what do you do? What do you see? What do you say to yourself and others?
Pay close attention to whether or not you argue for your limitations! This is a sneaky, subversive tactic by the subconscious to keep us from venturing too far outside our comfort zones. You might be tempted to use your lack of money, or your fatigue, or a very real family obligation, as the reason you can’t do something that your soul and spirit are longing for.
Those things may be true. But so are all the possibilities you can’t see because you’re so focused on your limitations.
If you want to create real change in your life, start with this question:
Is there a place I could be heading right now that would be WORTH getting to?
If you’re not aiming at something consciously chosen, you will aim at whatever your automatic habits are conditioned to repeat. And if you’re anything like me, those habits are not serving your highest and best self.
What are you aiming at?
Most of the time when we are faced with something painful or challenging - which is almost ALWAYS the impetus to seek change - our reflexive behavior puts us on a path that often makes things WORSE instead of better.
Because we reflexively move away from pain.
Because we reflexively seek to avoid difficult challenges that trigger our worst fears or deepest wounds.
Because human beings are far more afraid of freedom than pain.
But the only way to create permanent positive change - in a body, psyche, relationship or a society - is to face our challenges head on and recognize them as the necessary obstacles we must wrestle with on the way to something more, better, healthier. The obstacles represent very real opportunities.
If we want to heal a body, or a psyche, or a relationship, or a society…
Then we must aim at an ideal.
Ideal well being of body, soul and spirit. For example.
Ideal relationships.
Ideal societies.
Ideal economies, government etc.
We must imagine the best possible future and aim single-mindedly at our vision.
What we aim at determines where we are headed.
Trying to rid ourselves of anything we dislike is to put ourselves in opposition to the laws of reality; and it is spiritually immature.
Pain, for example, serves a very important function for our well being. If you reflexively try to get rid of it, your body will probably show you just how foolhardy that mission is; and chances are you will feel a whole lot more pain in the process, or face catastrophe down the road.
I’ve worked with hundreds of people in my private practice that tried to use cortisone injections, opioids and surgeries to “fix” their pain, only to wake up to the harsh reality that all of those things actually did significant damage to their body.
So maybe right now you want to create change in your body, relationship or perhaps…in society at large.
Instead of looking for something to blame, tear down or abolish…what if you imagined the best possible future you could work to actualize, and then started walking that path in earnest - today?
You would get farther in 10 years than you can possibly imagine.
Maybe you’ve heard this saying, but it’s worth repeating:
Most people terribly overestimate what they can accomplish in one year, and severely underestimate what they can accomplish in ten.
So I’ll ask again:
Is there a place you could be heading to right now that would be WORTH getting to?
▶ What does it look like there?
▶ Who is there with you?
▶ How will it feel to actualize this possibility?
▶ Who do you have to become to make this future a reality?
▶ What do you have to give up or STOP doing?
▶ What do you need to start doing?
Asking these kinds of questions often triggers our deepest fears and wounds.
You might feel vulnerable, or skeptical, or cynical asking these kinds of questions. Skepticism and cynicism are designed to keep us within the “safe” confines of our current prison, where we don’t have to face the pain of potential disappointment if we put everything we have into our ideal vision and it doesn’t manifest.
Life repeatedly attempts to teach us an important lesson, but some of us are hard headed and so this lesson becomes more and more painful the longer we refuse to acknowledge its truth:
We are not guaranteed anything in this life.
You could toil away for years while aiming at the best possible future for yourself, your body, your relationships and your world…and it might come to nothing. No one can guarantee you that your efforts will be rewarded.
So we must not work with the expectation of reward.
We do the work because we love it.
Because we love the ideal.
Because the ideal future of tomorrow is worth the sacrifice of today.
One thing is for sure:
If we do not aim at the ideal…
If we refuse to give our ideal vision all we have…
And instead spend our lives waiting for health or freedom or wealth to come to us…
Then we will get more of what we have now. And actually, if we don’t aim at becoming more than we are today, then chances are very high that things will get WORSE for us over time.
Because we’re all doing things today that are hindering our health and our potential - and we know it.
And because we’re NOT doing the things that could move us - one choice and one day at a time - closer to that ideal future.
We’re either growing and evolving, or we’re degenerating and devolving.
Imagine that some hardship has befallen you, or someone you love. Maybe you don’t have to imagine it.
Can you accept the tragedy for what it is AND see all the possibilities that are available to you (and them) for moving through the crisis toward the best possible future?
With incredible cheesiness (one of my many talents 🤠) I call myself a “Possibilitarian” - and today, I invite you to join me. Maybe you’re already there. 🙌
I’m about to open the School for Living Science on June 2nd, and this physical and spiritual orientation of Possibility will be the ground from which we embark on all of our adventures.
Possibility is a literal phenomena.
Seeing possibility is not about wishful thinking or day dreaming.
We are capable of so much more than we realize.
Your potential is a literal phenomena.
Right now, the seed of your highest and best self lies dormant inside of you just waiting for the conditions that will call it into being. Real potential is ignited by pain, challenge and struggle. Your highest self cannot come into being any other way.
Instead of finding fault with yourself or your body or the government or the people in your life…
What if you did what only you can do, today, to move one inch closer to your ideals?
What if you turned around and faced what you fear most?
What if you decided to stop hiding your light under a bushel, and gave everything inside of you for the possibility of actualizing something beautiful and good and true?
What if you decided to work toward the actualization of an ideal future, not because you are guaranteed a certain outcome, but becauuse you have decided to treat yourself like someone you care that much about?
Because the only way we will succeed - as individuals, and as a whole human society - is by committing ourselves to the task of moving towards that vision with everything we have.
Please join us inside the free membership tier of the School.
We’re going to catalyze real healing impulses this week. 🌀🌱
And to everyone who has joined so far - welcome aboard!