Once again you have said exactly what I needed to hear. I am so familiar with being a chameleon to avoid conflict, going way back into early childhood. Now I am on this precipice; I can choose freedom but that means letting go, so I keep putting it off and holding on, but this causes pain. You have helped me so much. Thank you again.

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Hi Randall, I'm glad to hear that my writing has helped you, and that this was what you needed at this time. I've never shared exactly this part of my story before, or the full extent of my chamelion nature - so it means a lot to have you comment, and share your own struggles with this pattern. Letting go is a terrifyingly beautiful experience. Please keep us posted 💛

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Hi Elisha, It's me, Anna. Thank you for this. I feel the pain of staying in jobs that I hate. I have 3 wonderful children, now adults, that I'm so grateful for, I got divorced years ago, I take my ballet classes, surf when I can, & garden. I do still have chronic hip pain which I'm able to relieve temporarily with self fascia release. My youngest, now 18, has done Kintetix with me off and on, but, he has his own life to live, so it's not as often as I'd like. The freedom to do work that I love is what I feel is missing. I'm not taking any steps towards that, just been thinking about it forever. The jobs I've been working are just enough to get by, so not having abundance and security, also, not living up to my potential, weighs on me. I know that I'm not living my fullest life. I want the freedom to live my fullest life. Thank you for this nudge towards living my fullest life.

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Hi Anna, nice to see you here 😊 Thank you for sharing where you're at, it's so relatable. I celebrate you naming out loud "the freedom to do work that I love." I will hold that vision with you, and am here to support on walking that path ♥️

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Elisha-- thanks for sharing your sight!

We at Wisdom& Money https://wisdomandmoney.org do a complementary work to yours with Spirit leading people to money awareness and freedom. I'd love to connect for mutual exploration and sharing!

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Another wonderfully written newsletter in which the timeliness of its arrival was uncanny. Thank you Elisha!!!

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Jun 27, 2023
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Kristi, thank you for your thoughtful comment. I believe we need all the stories we can get, from as many people as possible. We're more alike than we know, and we all have wisdom to share. 💕

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