Happy Birthday Elisha! I'm glad you are finding joy in Colorado!!

My mom was unconscious was I was born, an experiment of the 60's. Although I'm sure the body knows to contract to help with the process, the contractions would not have been as strong as those helped along with the mind attached. I'm like you and really feel the need for deeper massage and hope someday to feel your feet on me!! Take care!! Maryanne Giangregorio

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Thank you, Maryanne! 💕 I'd LOVE to work with you someday. Do you see any correlations with your mom being unconscious while you were born, and the relational patterns that developed later? I've worked with a few clients whose mothers were unconscious and it seemed to have a profound impact.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Elisha Celeste

The happiest birthday dear Elisha 💜💜💜

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Thank you, Simona 💛

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Oh Elisha. Yes, I believe I’ve seen correlations to my mom being unconscious when I was born. I pretty much lived my life in freeze and dissociation, (i.e. unconscious) which I learned from you is another state of the nervous system response of freeze we take on to avoid the pain we don’t want to face. I imagine I had to be pulled out of my mom as she was not awake to help with the pushing. I’ve truly lived my life not wanting to feel what I was feeling and found other, not always healthy ways, to distract myself from those feelings.

Then, interestingly, my daughter did not want to come out. I was two weeks past her due date and had to be induced.

I learned a great deal in the Kinetix Academy regarding this state of denial of my true feelings and how to come to face my fears. It’s a long journey and process but I am so very thrilled that I got here, and continue to work on myself. Thank you!! 💕

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Elisha Celeste

Happy belated birthday, Elisha!💐

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Thank you, Anna! 🥰

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Elisha Celeste


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Thank you, dear Lynn! So good to see you here (commenting on Substack) 😊💜

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Elisha Celeste

I look forward to every newsletter and am looking forward to whatever you have in store for us. I'm slowly going back through all the KA work as well. I do have to say I'm a tad envious of your move...you know how I love the Rockies - I miss them so very much. I can feel it in my BONES tho - I'm getting there! Going to return soon!! Take care Elisha - you and Stefan both! Thank you for all that you do!!!

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Elisha Celeste

Happy Birthday Elisha!! So fantastic that you get to celebrate in your happy place 🌄 🧡

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Thank you, Bonnie! 🥰

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023Liked by Elisha Celeste

Happy Birthday Elisha 💜, may you live many happy years in healing places!

Such a most faszinating topic you shared with us again. I love your sharings. I read them to the end even though usually I do not read long posts - yours I do!

I have read many years ago from a German therapist that all our triggers/issues are a re-enactment of our birth trauma and ever since I was interested in that topic. I also do astrology and since you can clearly see a traumatic birth/pregnancy in the natal chart I checked many children's charts for birth trauma indicators which were always confirmed by the mum.

And I read also we choose out own birth/ the way we are born. When I gave birth to my son I wanted it all special and natural and home birth etc to give him the least trauma possible. What however happened was the exact opposite.

First during the first few month of pregnancy 9/11 happened and I started bleeding, I thought I lost the child but was still pregnant (it was a twin I lost which I did not know at the time, only got to know about that when my son was born). Then my waters broke and nothing happened for days, so after three days they send me to hospital, and instead of a water birth at home I was in a horrid hospital, with a horrid midwife who ended her shift halfway through, then I got a nicer one at least.

I was induced and still nothing happened, until at one point he just popped out all of a sudden. they ripped him away, they had to give him oxygen as he was too long without, so it took ages for me before I could hold him, then he was moved for 4 days into special care and been given antibiotics as I had Strep B. I had read up all about it and tried to refuse, but they were so manipulative that I gave in - which wrecked his digestion for a long time, years of trouble.

Anyway, long story short: he lives his life exactly like his birth was. It annoys him so much, the procrastination, he tries so hard to overcome it, tried everything, nothing works. Then the "DEAD"line - what a fitting word, comes and he gets the stuff done in next to no time, "it just pops out"

In his natal astro chart I could see that the minute he popped out was the minute the moon changed into Scorpio (the planet of death and rebirth).......

He is an old soul and has healing hands.

I also hacked your date into astro.com, Elisha, as I was nosy (you gave no time sadly, so I did not see the houses) but I saw a Yod (the Finger of God) with Chiron, the wounded healer, at the apex. How fitting for that what you do!

Have a wonderful birthday.

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Annette, thank you for sharing these stories - they hold such deep wisdom, which so often emerges through the most painful experiences in life. I think it is the rare mother and child that have the exact birth experience that was planned (consciously, anyway - on some level I do believe we orchestrate and choose what happens even when it is painful).

What you describe around the frustration of repeating our patterns even though we WANT to change - this is a core theme I will explore consistently as part of The Human Freedom Project, because I believe this is why we are here: to engage with the constraints of life and say yes to the beautiful struggle of realizing our most authentic self, and to develop some measure of true spiritual and practical freedom while we are here - for ourselves, and humanity as a whole.

Sending you and your son my love 💛


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Blessed Birthday dear Elisha! I love how you describe birth as a proclamation of what's to come. All makes so much sense. I'm grateful you're feeling better and feel like you've found home in CO. Have a wonderful birthday and thanks for sharing. It's got me thinking about my birth and have some ah ha's after reading your post.

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Thank you dear mama! I'd love to hear your birth story if you feel like sharing and contemplating together ♥️

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Hello to Stefan!! 8 )

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