The World Needs More People Who Can Think With Reality
The School for Living Science is officially OPEN and our mission is a true understanding of the whole human organism - made of body, soul and spirit - in the context of society, planet and cosmos.
Dear friends,
What is real?
Do you know how to tell the difference between survival instinct and intuition?
Are we (human beings) even capable of knowing the truth about reality?
And if so…
How do we know that what we believe to be true, is in fact true?
Is it really possible to distinguish between belief…and reality?
Debates have been raging for as long as recorded history about whether or not human beings are capable of apprehending objective knowledge. Throughout history the most treasured, the most sacred, the most sought after (and difficult to attain) knowledge has been that of our own nature.
What is the human being?
This question has never stopped beguiling us.
Often, we ask this question because we want to have power over our bodies; or over other people; or over the wild nature of this planet. In this case, we may get what we search for (power over), but the door to deeper wisdom will be closed to us until we ennoble our soul and spirit and seek truth without self gain as our priority.
For human beings in ancient Greece and Egypt, the answers to this question - what is the human being? - were reserved exclusively for initiates entering the Mystery temples. Many were turned away by the priests and priestesses, and only a select few were invited to develop the kind of deep self knowledge that can be attained through specific training.
Humanity, I believe, has evolved past the need to confine this information inside of secret societies and temples. We are living in a time when all of this knowledge is available to us as “open secrets” that can be apprehended by those among us who have a truly open minded nature and the right attitude of soul.
Reverence for truth is the primary prerequisite.
My conviction is that there are physical-spiritual laws underpinning reality…and we can know them.
We are part of the cosmos, and the cosmos expresses itself in patterns. Every living creature expresses its nature through observable patterns and we are no different. Patterns reveal the open secrets that can guide us onto the path of real self knowledge and into the kind of wisdom that grants us co-creative powers with our bodies, with other human beings, and with this planet - for healing, regeneration and freedom.
Today is a really special day for me:
We’ve opened enrollment to the School for Living Science. A vision for this School came to me during Christmas of 2022, and it has taken me a full 18 months to incubate the vision, build the foundations and open the doors for the first time.
There are two tracks available to you if you’re inspired to join:
🌀 The Core Curriculum
🐾 The Kinetix Academy
The Core Curriculum is for human beings who want to develop the capacity to think with reality in order to effect real change in their bodies and/or in the world. When we know how we function, we know how to heal.
We face an unprecedented assault on our nature today with the rollout of 5G, with the poisoning of our air, water and soil, and the looming economic collapse of the west. Nothing on this planet emerges spontaneously, which means that all illnesses have remedies. Everything has its opposite; every poison can be curative in some circumstances, while every so-called “healthy” element can become poisonous.
Some (but not all) remedies are purely material in nature - and have their effect spiritually, too. Some are purely spiritual - and have their effect physically, too.
How do we know when to reach for physical remedies, and when to seek spiritual resolution?
This is a quest we will go on together inside the Core Curriculum.
The Kinetix Academy is for partners, friends, families and practitioners who want to learn partner fascia release and my mapping methodology.
Kinetix is the only reason I can open a School like this and teach inside the Core Curriculum. After 16+ years of using partner fascia release to help thousands of people resolve pain, I’ve learned a lot about human nature, the human organism, what we’re made of and how we function. Many patterns were revealed to me during these years in private practice, and now - I want to share them with you.
I’m on a mission to get Kinetix into as many households as possible, because I believe we heal more completely with people who know and love us. We can help each other regenerate, heal and optimize - from the comfort of home.
But there is also a great need in our time for practitioners who want to do the hard labor or learning how to really and truly help humanity through the chronic pain and disease epidemics of our time. If this speaks to you, then you might consider joining both tracks.
Partner fascia release has the potential to shield us from the effects of 5G, regenerate our fascia and water body, resolve chronic pain and heal the wounds of the subconscious psyche. The secret to success lies in the partnership element of the method.
CLICK HERE to get all the details and join the Academy.
What does it mean to “think with reality”?
Imagine you or someone you love is dealing with pain.
What are your instincts or impulses?
If you’re like most people (including past versions of me), then you probably reach for something that you hope will take the pain away. Something like fascia release, anti-inflammatory foods or drugs, breath work or a dietary change; or massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, cold plunging...
And so many people today reach for sense numbing painkillers, tissue damaging cortisone injections and risky surgeries.
What you probably DON’T do - because I’ve literally never met a single person that has this instinct - is spend some time learning about the true nature and purpose of PAIN itself.
Isn’t that fascinating?
In our experience of pain, our instinct is to move away from it; to shun it; to close our spiritual eyes and blind ourselves to its nature. But…
To understand pain - which I would argue is a vital necessity if we want to resolve it - we would need to advance towards it; to move closer; to open ourselves to it fully.
When I first started learning fascia release, I was under the same delusional spell that most people are under today - I thought fascia release was going to be the antidote to my pain, and the pain of my clients. I believed I could step on people and their pain would magically disappear.
I knew nothing about the real nature of pain.
To complicate matters, many of the people I began stepping on DID get out of pain! But I had no idea why.
I could not explain to them in plain language WHY the fascia release we did together resolved their pain. And if their pain came back, I would have no idea why or what to do.
Reality saw to it that I was massively humbled. And from this place of utter humility, I was able to open myself to the truth.
When I began seeking knowledge of the true nature and purpose of pain, and at the same time began methodically experimenting with the mindset of a scientist, everything changed - for me and my clients.
In 2011, the Kinetix mapping methodology was born…and it meant no more guessing. I could finally know - and my clients could know - exactly why pain is happening. And when we know why pain (or illness) is happening, we know exactly what to do about it.
Today, I call myself a scientist. And a pain advocate.
You are capable of becoming a scientist, and a pain advocate; and I’d love for you to join me! We need more pain advocates in the world.
And we need more citizen scientists.
I believe science belongs to humanity - not to the hallowed halls of corporate sponsored and government regulated institutions that focus on scientific materialism, or reductionist science, rather than the study of living phenomena.
The mission of the School is to provide us a place to study living phenomena - starting with ourselves. We will study our own nature in order to apprehend the physical-spiritual laws governing our behavior and our capacity for healing, regeneration and freedom.
Eventually, I’d love to bring other teachers into the School to teach economics and law as living sciences - among other fields.
What is “living science?”
Living science is the study of the relationships of things.
▶ What is the relationship between your fascia and your nervous system?
▶ What is the relationship between these two things and the planet?
▶ What is the relationship between degeneration and blood?
▶ What is the relationship between all of these and your psyche?
What is the relationship between YOU and your body? Between you and you? Or you and society? Between you and the economic realm? And how do all these relationships interact with cosmic phenomena such as light, magnetism and water?
If we want to thrive through the looming economic crisis as the fiat system of the world is facing collapse…
If we want to thrive through the chronic pain and disease epidemics…
If we want to arrive at practical solutions to the onslaught of 5G and toxic poisons permeating our water, air and soil…
If we want to heal our social wounds and form healthy human societies…
If we want to protect this planet that gives us life…
We have to start from a foundation of real self knowledge.
Before we can change something - a body, a relationship, a family, a society, an economy - we must first seek understanding of the thing we wish to change.
Otherwise, we are just blindly grasping for relief, acting on impulse or whim, driven by our worst fears and our immediate pain. We sacrifice the long term ideal for short term relief all the time…and it makes things so much worse!
Freedom is developed on the path to self knowledge. We bump up against constraints along the way that ensure we are adequately worthy of freedom. That’s why we are tested - constantly.
Because freedom is NOT the ability to do whatever we want, whenever we want, all the time.
Freedom comes with responsibility. Freedom emerges from discipline and self mastery. Freedom is found in the willingness to sacrifice in the short term for a long term ideal.
Freedom lies in our ability to resist the temptation to act impulsively, and instead take the time to really think things through. So we can act with courage, and intelligence.
To truly solve our most pressing problems, we need to use our human superpower of thinking and learn how to think with reality instead of letting our minds wander on autopilot all day; instead of thinking the thoughts of our parents, or the government, or our peers or a so-called “expert” who may not have our best interests in mind.
This is one of my favorite quotes:
“To be free is to be capable of thinking one's own thoughts - not the thoughts of the body, or of society, but generated from one's deepest, most original, most essential and spiritual self, one's individuality .”
~ Rudolf Steiner
Please consider joining us inside the Core Curriculum if you want to develop the capacity to think your own thoughts; and learn how to “think with” your body and whatever reality has your attention: physical pain, financial pain, social pain, planetary pain…
Inside the School you will find a group of human beings from all over the world that are seeking truth and answers for themselves, and on behalf of humanity.
There are going to be practitioners from all fields - psychotherapy, energy healing, movement, breath work, massage - and we will be sharing our combined knowledge, wisdom and resources for the benefit of everyone in the community while growing our capacity to think with reality.
I’m so excited to meet some of you for the first time, and deepen my connection with those of you who are going to continue your learning journey alongside me inside this new initiative.
We will meet our challenges with courage, with noble intentions and with truly open minds and hearts. And together we will effect real change and bring real healing impulses into the world.